Tuesday, September 24, 2013

College Fashion

Hello everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while but I have just been so busy with college and Youtube and trying to keep up with my...ahem... other social media pages..but anyways, I really wanted to get back to blogging and today's post is going to be more me writing about goings on and observations so sorry if you are in the mood for pictures but I will be sure to have some in my next post and hopefully you enjoy this little bit of story time with Michelle.

About a month ago I started my first semester of university, I wasn't really sure what to expect especially in terms of fashion. What do people wear in college? Would it be the same as my high school with a diverse range of styles? Would I be able to wear the same kinds of clothes without being judged? So far there is definitely a range of different styles, which is awesome, however, it seems like there is more pressure to wear casual lazy clothes then in high school where I felt more pressure to be dressed up all the time..But maybe that's just my sleepiness talking! ;)

As far as my college style goes I have already been sucked into the vortex of sweatpants and leggings, usually a couple times a week, which I admit is kind of a relief. Being able to roll out of bed and throw on comfy clothes to go to school without the fear being judged is a wonderful feeling, especially after a long night of studying... or reblogging things on Tumblr. I feel that it shows confidence and secureness with who you are as a person (and a fashionista) to occasionally be able to go out without putting much effort into your appearance.

However, once I get my mocha in and walk across campus with the cool fall wind nipping at my cheeks, blowing the sleepiness away, I will realize how I wish I dressed up a little more. In high school I was always the one who looked put together, always the one standing out of the crowd. I miss this sometimes but I know that underneath the leggings and bulky sweatshirts the same girl is still there, she just has more social media to keep her procrastinating school work into the late night!

Besides being unbelievably lazy, practicality has a lot to do with my changes in fashion choices as well. Now that I am in college I am walking every which way, from my car across campus, across campus to another class, back across campus to the University Center and then back to my car... all in the cold autumn rain. Obviously that is going to have an impact on my outfit. Am I going to wear my adorable red flats with the white polka dots that are a half size too small but still the cutest things ever? Or should I choose my dingy brown Sketchers boots that are both comfortable and weather resistant? Although I am all about looking cute, I'm not about looking stupid and being uncomfortable.

What I am trying to get to with this post is that even if you give yourself those lazy days, that you very much deserve, that does not mean you are losing your sense of style or that you are not a fashionable person. Being a fashionista is, and always will be, inside of you. It courses through your veins and no amount of yoga pants or lazy days can take that away from you. Dressing up and getting ready are still my favorite things ever but we all need a day off or two!

Sorry this was such a rant but hopefully you enjoyed it and maybe you can relate to this!

Do you guys have any advice for me (or other readers) about looking cute but being comfortable at the same time? What about looking cute while bundled up? I'm going to be doing some experimenting with this and will probably do some posts on it but I want to know your ideas as well!! :)

Thanks for reading!



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