Thursday, January 9, 2014

Bring It On, 2014!

I have to say, 2013 was a very big year for me. First of all I created this blog, which has been a great outlet for me, although I did not post as much as I wanted to. This year I am hoping to change that and revamp this blog as much as I can. I want to post more fashion posts as well as just more casual posts about the goings on in my life as well as more celebrity style icon posts!

This year I also created a YouTube channel(TwoYearsEightMonths) with my sister, which now has over 1,200 subscribers. Our YouTube channel has become such a big part of our lives and we are hoping to grow it even more this year as making videos is something we are very passionate about.
In 2013 I broke up with my high school boyfriend, who I had been with for almost three years, and although very difficult and painful, I am proud of myself because it was what was best for both of us.
This year I died my hair for the first time, traveled to Europe with my family, graduated from high school, started university but more importantly I figured out who I want to be, what makes me happy, and what I want my life to look like. This year was the year where I truly started to love myself and that has to be by far the most wonderful thing that happened to me in 2013. 

Check out these beauty/fashion related videos that my sister and I made. The video of us getting ready for New Years Eve is one of my favorite videos that we have ever created.

This next video is the Best of 2013 Tag, where we talk about our favorite things from 2013, including makeup, beauty products, fashion, accessories, music, TV shows and more!

Thank you so much to anyone who reads my blog, watches my videos and supports what I love to do. I promise that 2014 will be a wonderful year, not only for my blog, but for you too!



Monday, January 6, 2014

What I got for Christmas

Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a most wonderful holiday season. I had one of the most lovely Christmases of my life and am having a hard time accepting that it is really over!

Are you sad that Christmas/ the holiday season is over?
Watch my sister and I's video of what we got for Christmas and it will surely give you the little taste of after-Christmas joy you have been craving. 

Thank you for watching!

